DMF Wins Product Innovation Award «
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DMF Wins Product Innovation Award

New DRD Series recognized by Architectural SSL for Product Innovation

We are honored to have our next-generation DRD Series selected by Architectural SSL magazine as a Product Innovation Award winner. The distinguished panel of 18 designers and lighting specialists were especially impressed by the system’s high versatility and great flexibility.

“Modifications made easy. Swapping from fixed to adjustable is as easy as changing a light bulb.”
– Judging Panel

We designed a single product family that can support 98% of downlighting use cases and are proud to have it recognized by the lighting and design community.

About PIA

The Product Innovation Awards (PIA) recognizes innovative LED and solid-state luminaires and fixtures on the market, while also spotlighting the players behind the components that make up these light sources.

With judging and evaluation of products and systems conducted by a panel skilled in a product evaluation, the PIA program awards manufacturers based on attributes, qualities, functionality and/or performance beyond industry standards.

View the entire list of winners in the latest issue of Architectural SSL.

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